Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Most beginning teachers are generally overburdened with tasks. I currently work as a primary school teacher, and I also feel overburdened. Being a beginning teacher, I feel that the challenges of educating children in this digital age are innumerable and tough.
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Beginning teachers are often seen as creative, innovative teachers who are good at using the latest technologies. Such assumptions are sometimes true, and sometimes they are not. Due to these assumptions, beginning teachers have to keep on learning to become quality teachers. High hopes are resting on these young teachers' shoulders.
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
As a teacher, I must be able to teach and educate students. Teaching is related to providing or transferring knowledge to students. Educating is related to providing values and norms (character education) to students, commonly called the transfer of value.
Monday, 8 June 2020
As one of the countries with the largest population and vast area coverage, Indonesia faces many inequalities, including in the education sector. What does it mean by education inequality in Indonesia?